Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Comrade Celia! Working in the yard on Saturday is a function of white supremacy! I urge you to decenter your whiteness as you decenter your soil amendments!

(Seriously, thank you for the hilarious memes).

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

I hope you used that Martha Stewart "good dirt" and not the cheap stuff

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

These are great! Thanks.

And every sentiment would get you banned by the snowflake moderators in the Free Press

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

The word "snowflake " got me a three weeks suspension on FB. I've never been back.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

The FP doesn’t get when someone gets banned, they don’t get the clicks at least for that day. Dopes to allow the easily offended to do the policing.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Policing inevitably leads to Karens. We are all big boys and big girls. We can decide for ourselves what to read or not read, what to comment on or not comment on, what to cogitate on and what to ignore. TFP is nowhere as bad as FB or what used to be Twitter. BUT nothing is as bad as Amazon. We don't need a Nanny.to protect us from something we might find offensive.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Try NextDoor...(owned by FB) they're worse. I was suspended for replying in a comment that the only person killed on Jan. 6 was Ashli Babbett, a veteran, by a black cop. They sent me an email after I was suspended asking me to come back. I told them to shove it.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Oops, never mind. I misread FB for TFP

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Not a problem. FB and FP pretty close. I make worse mistakes than that everyday of the week so you are a heck of a lot better than I am.

At Emory someone had the temerity to write "TRUMP" in chalk on some stairs. When Emory students stormed the President's office and demanded protection from "Hate Speech" I referred to them as "Snowflakes." This was back in 2020. Got three weeks in the FB slammer. Haven't been back since.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

If someone had written Biden instead, people might have been put in jail for stepping on Dear Leader!

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]


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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Really? Context? Not doubting you.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

I'm not on FB. I quit FB after 3 weeks in the very beginning. I realized it was better to just see relatives at the occasional wedding or funeral. I had no idea they were so wack.

I don't go to the Free Press much any more because I think I've learned about all I'm going to learn. We read the same source material. I have a slightly different take on it and that is fine.

I am on "X". It mirrors my life in that I have very few followers. I'd be in the single digits if it weren't for the porn bots and the Regime Ball Washers. Perhaps I'm more like my relatives than I'lll admit.

I've been warned twice this year on X for what - I'm not sure. It was just mumbo-jumbo about rules. Both times were in reference to one of my calmer posts. So I don't care if I get kicked off. I have books and I know how to use them.

I am starting to realize what Elon meant when he said people will have "freedom of speech not freedom of reach". Because whenever I say, in regard to the Gaza war for instance, that "whoever starts a war is responsible for all the chaos that follows" or "every Democrat city is a corrupt, crime ridden, shit hole" My account goes eerily silent. I get nothing for a week like I've been put in X jail. But I post anyway. I have one good friend. When he dies I'll look for a replacement. Until then I don't care.

Whenever I get attacked as a Trump stooge (which I'm decidedly not) It's always personal to him or me. It's never a list of Biden accomplishments - never. When I ask for a list of either Biden accomplishments or Trumps crimes I get silence. It's very weird.

At least my deluded Democrat friends (actually my wife's friends) take a stab at a list. But they always end up with "well I just don't like the guy" which would be fine - in a High School Class President election. It's not fine in an election for THE US president. I think I strayed from the topic; but whatever as the youngsters say. Deal with it.

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Gosh I hope you post more here! I enjoyed this post and I approve your message.......

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Regime ball washers!

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Love the one where 6 is called out and the response is: racist.


Thanks Celia.

Be sure to hydrate out there, it’s really hot.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Dunno whether this will work, but...


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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]


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That's either too true to be funny or too funny to be true. Guess which one?

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]


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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]


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That's awesome!

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Thank you for the chuckles early on a Sunday morning!

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Great Sunday wake up fun! Thanks Celia. The first cartoon completely captured my experience within my own community these past several years, brilliant. The bear cartoon particularly struck close to home since they just re-introduced grizzly bears back into the mountains here and have already had 'problems' just in the first two weeks! A young male grizzly roamed outside the assigned 'territory' and raided a chicken coop on a local farm. Duh~

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Yikes! It's weird how these "environmentalists" don't seem to realize that wild animals will behave like...wild animals.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

The assigned territory, lol.

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Love love love !

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

But the punks are doing all of those things!

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

It’s getting harder and harder to rebel against the mainstream. In the 1950s, all you had to do was grow your hair over your collar, and your parents would freak out. In the 60s and 70s, it was very long hair, dirty clothes, and drugs. in the 80s and 90s, it was piercings, tattoos, and wild music. By the 2000s, mom and dad had piercings, tattoos, and kooky hair colors — so what’s a young rebel to do? Now the young have to change their gender, announce their “queerness”, and riot for St.Floyd/climate change/Palestine/revolution/whatever’s-next.

When will the young finally realize that the only rebellion left is to “go right” (like Alex P. Keaton in the old TV show “Family Ties”)?

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Other than never having seen Family Ties, having pulled the plug about 40 years ago (tempus semper fugit, don't it?) this is another excellent observation. I was going to say that the only shockeroo left is suicide but went and had a look. And holy stuff. Overall US suicide rate steadily rose 35% from 2000 to 2018 -- then dropped 5% the next two years after which the upward trend appears to have resumed. Now. What was the salient feature of 2018 - 2020?

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]


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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

But he was the buffoon in that series!

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

They were all buffoons, though…archetypes.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Sight unseen, totally unsurprising.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

As someone who was a hardcore punk kid in the 1980s and listened to The Dead Kennedys, Blag Flag, The Butthole Surfers, Bad Brains, The Cramps ( and still do actually…you get the picture) these trendy corporate punks make me laugh. Punk was DIY, selling out was the highest sin. When I sported a mohawk in the 1980s polite people/ conformists would walk to the other side of the street out of fear and offense. If you met someone with dreadlocks there was a 99% chance they we cool and weird. Now those are just haircuts. It ain’t rebellion. Its Vegas. It’s boring, uncreative, bland, conformity. @&$#&*%!!! them! 💫😇

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

As with satire being impossible, it would appear that punkhood is as well. NOTHING is far enough out in either case to be particularly effective.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Haha. Punk died in 1990-91 when Grunge became the mainstream pop. As far as the music is concerned anyway. Nothing’s Shocking😉

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Nice collection! The bear meme gave me a good laugh.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Party politics....five or six years ago, I wondered what the left was going to do? Unemployment was low, many states had passed anti-affirmative action laws, gay marriage was legal, abortion was legal - they had, for the most part won the culture war but also, thanks to Slick, assumed pro-business (typically the bailiwick of Republicans) economic policies.

Now we see...

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Ahhhhh… that last one. If only….

I do thank TFP for helping us all find one another - what can we do to make sure we don’t all end up in a “safe space”, though? The one thing that TFP had going for awhile was that it wasn’t always an echo chamber. I haven’t found that with this group, but I do like a challenge! 🤪

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Given that I'm a moderate, not a conservative, sometime or other I will surely express views that will shock the conservatives among us.

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Jun 24Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Well, I like to think of myself as that classic social liberal/fiscal conservative (as if that ever works...) - I really do subscribe to that cartoon showing three stages of how far left the "middle" has move to the left extreme.

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The one where they've gone so far to the Left that they start asking why the guy who stayed put in the center is siding with Nazis now?

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

These ARE fun, Celia. Sent the “How Hollywood writes female characters” straight on to my feminist-in-the-age-of-grievance-leaning daughters.

The first meme, while I totally get the humor, is no joke for my husband and me. About 16 years ago, we ran smack into a wall of “challenging our deeply-held assumptions” religiously. We eventually left a lifelong deep participation and commitment to one “brand” of Christian community to join another. (I’m purposely leaving out the specifics to maintain focus on how it feels to really grapple with issues we never had.) It was enlightening, painful and disorienting, “iron-sharpening,” intellectually and spiritually educational and has taken us on a path of continual humbling and growth. It didn’t just affect our theology; it has forced us to evaluate our philosophy of how we live in every aspect. (Even though we would have insisted we had ALWAYS done that!)

While I give credit to our friends and families, who couldn’t (/didn't want to?) understand our “defection,” for being gracious, it did drive somewhat of a wedge…or at least created awkwardness. It has been hard for them too.

I hope this doesn’t come across as “we’ve got it all figured out” but just wanted to share that doing what that meme highlights as being hard, HAS, indeed, changed our lives!

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Thank you for that description of your experience! No "got it all figured out" at all.

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

Love these. The punk rock one is on point. Go ask Johnny Rotten: https://images.app.goo.gl/oyt2uDXeMe9CUt2H6

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I love that one!

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Jun 23Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

That is excellent and so true! You can't meme without a sense of humor, and Leftists don't have a funny bone in their bodies.

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Some do. Some have actual wit. Be careful with one-size-fits-all.

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Jun 24Liked by Celia M [Paddock]

That one

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