Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

You hearing the Democrats narrative now?

It was always the intention for Biden to step down even when he was first running. He was only running to beat Trump. I depise how the Democrats lie and people just ignore it or too stupid to see it. Media plays along too. All frauds of a massive scale.

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None of it would be possible without the compliant media. If (and it’s a huge if) we could restore some semblance of fairness in the media, things would change. But the media would have to change organically, a government-enforced fairness doctrine is not a solution.

Unless the independents (like the Substack folks) become a dominant force, change will never happen.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I agree 💯. Whichbisbwhybinsay the media is criminal.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

If we had a transparent, or at least less opaque, government the media could shift toward doing its job. As it is if they want access to the billions in pharma ad revenue they have to do what the government tells them.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

And the lesson is......

You don't hate the media enough - you think you do, but you don't.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

What else can we do other than not watch or read legacy media?

Non legacy media are all in attendance at the convention. They should have boycotted it and put out statements as to why this Convention is a farce and a scandal

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Right? We can't force others not to take in that crap. And they (the press) are good at being subtle so they don’t sound too obvious. But it is a drumbeat. Sharyl Attkisson had a great summary of all the press “errors” and mild corrections about Trump. There were so many I had to stop reading. But that stuff got into the Public psyche. There’s no stopping them. They have to police themselves.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I think there is much value in them being there and articulating how it’s a farce and scandal. Taibbi and Kirn are there and providing good cynical insights on X and via livestreams.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Rumble CEO posted on X that Rumble was not granted entry to cover the convention.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

We have always been at war with Eastasia

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Hahaha so true. One of my favorite books. 📖

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

The Democratic Party should be stripped of the word “democratic “ from its name. The entire Biden Harris Administration has been a lie and a farce since a demented Biden took office.The Convention is a sham.The Press could have done a heroic and unprecedented act of patriotism by boycotting the show and make statements about the subversion of any semblance of a democratic process.

Whether one loves or hates Trump,it is clear that he is the Republican nominee only because the people , not the party bigwigs, insisted that he be their candidate.The Dems did the opposite.They denied RFKjr and the Dean Phillips the right to challenge Biden, then ousted Biden, installed Harris, and in so doing deserve to be shunned by the Press .

Instead they are all there saying stupid things, covering this parody of a convention. Shame on the Dems and shame on the Media

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Dems/Media. Or maybe Demsmedia.

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Or maybe Demons media. I can see the pointy horns and evil laughing faces popping out all over.

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Dems da breaks…

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Demonic News Flash on the Hour every Hour......We owns yer souls now........cackle cackle.....Watch as the World Burns........

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Sounds like a mental disorder.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

And I suspect (puts on tinfoil hat) that both are taking talking points/marching orders from the TLA's (three letter agencies)

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I can’t bear to watch the convention myself. I don’t think they will end early and pass up this great propaganda opportunity. And of course I imagine no matter how bad the protests get, they will be described as “mostly peaceful” by the usual suspects.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Pull. The. Plug. You'll be amazed at how much of your life you've been missing.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

The protestors in 1968 were wrong about all kinds of things, but they were right about the war.

Today's protestors are wrong about pretty much everything. They can make all the claims about the purity of their motives and their horror at the death and suffering they want. I have yet to see a single one of them call for Hamas to lay down their arms and surrender. I have yet to see a single mention in the main stream media of the fact that the terrorists ended a cease fire last November by blowing up a bus stop in Jerusalem.

I have seen many, including a Presidential candidate, say they want an end to the apartheid state in Israel. It isn't clear if they know what that word means, or if they realize they are calling for Israel to agree to a one-state solution with a terrorist organization that has the extermination of all Jews as the very first item in their charter.

So these are the people protesting now. I have little doubt that it's all theater, though most of the participants aren't aware of that. The Democrats are on their side, ultimately. They will abandon Israel as soon as it's practical, as long as they can do it without jeopardizing our oil interests. The Israelis know this. The Arabs know it. The Iranians know it. And the leaders of the protests know it. They also know that most people aren't as flexible as Jerry Rubin and the rest, and once they choose their side they'll have a hard time crossing back. This is a recruiting exercise for the cult.

What I hope is the useful idiots manage to threaten the Democrats in a real way. Then they, and the rest of the world, will see just how far our appointed leaders are willing to go to protect themselves and their power. They won't manage to cause any real harm, but exposing what's going on behind the curtain could do some real good.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I wish I could believe that the rest of the world will actually see how toxic the protests actually are, but I am sure the press will re-frame it just like they did the BLM protests, just like they have continually re-framed the pro-hamas protests to date.. The convention leaders will be re-framed as heroes for choosing to carry on in the face of potential violence, even tho the press will continue to claim these are mostly peaceful protests. If they can re-invent Kamala and almost completely reverse mass public perception of her in just a few weeks, well then the wizards behind the curtain can do pretty much anything at this point I fear.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Biden himself reframed it in his disgusting rant late last night. He said “ the protesters outside have a point”

While the protestors are screaming” I am Hamas” and “ Biden burn in hell”

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock


Here’s is a proud Hamas supporter

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Thank you, Disa, for keeping up with these kinds of disturbing posted videos on X. My brain isn't able to handle too much of this kind of thing, so I really appreciate that you're my "reporter on the X beat."

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Let’s just send that guy and his fellow supporters back to Hamas and see how it goes.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

They SHOULD be sent to Palestine. Since they support Palestine and Hamas SO much why don’t they all go there and truly support them.

Pathetic cowards.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Placation never works with the left. They always demand more.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Compromise always means doing more of what they want.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Well, I agree with them on the latter!

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well maybe they do have a point? or two!!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I find it interesting that police are actually making arrests. Is it to show that Dems now suddenly believe in law and order? The double standard again, police for me but not for thee?

Personally, I think it's hypocritical that police are on the scene at all, given all the Dems' yammering about defunding police. Let the Dems lead by example! Social workers for all!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

It's interesting that they chose Chicago at all.

The convention is being held near a public school where, in spite of spending $27K per student, not a single one of those students reads at grade level.

A city where the police say they could cut the murder rate in half if the courts would just keep 50 people in prison instead of letting them walk through the revolving door back onto the street.

A city that leads the nation in lost tax revenue due to people leaving, in a state that leads the nation in the same category.

Chicago is a great city but it's a failed city, in a failing state. It is the greatest failure of Democratic government in the history of the country. But that's the city the party chose to shine a spotlight on.

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I lived a couple of years in Chicago in grade school. I remember seeing the skyline burn when MLK was assassinated. I ran away when I was eight, got on the L train and ended up getting off in the black the part of town. I wandered into a drug store and an older black man in a white pharmacist's jacket , who I now assume was the owner, gave me a quarter and told me to get back on the L and leave, so I did and then wound up downtown at the Palmer House of all places! Looking back I think that black man may well have saved my life. I'm just guessing, but probably he was afraid to call the police. He seemed to get I was a runaway although I don't remember telling him that, but I do remember he seemed very afraid to have me in his store. On the one hand he sent a lost little girl back out into potential danger, on the other hand he got me out of the really bad part of town. I think my guardian angels were very busy that day and I have always thought of that drugstore owner with deep gratitude.

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What a terrifying story. Your guardian angels were definitely working overtime that day.

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Sometimes I think it is miraculous that any of us survived childhood!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I was friends with a guy who is gay. Went he went to the mall with his brother and his niece he wouldn't walk within three feet of the little girl (who he loved like she was his own daughter) because he was afraid that someone would know he was gay and assume he was doing something bad to her. I can see a black guy (especially in 1968) thinking the same thing about a not-black little girl being in his store unattended.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

A friend of mine has two daughters, both adopted from China. When they got to be a certain age, showing fatherly affection in public became risky. He was never actually accused of human trafficking, but got no shortage of dirty looks.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

'The press has talked so much about violence that it has a vested interest in violence. It will look silly if it doesn’t get it. This is a case where 'the medium is the message'.....................................................................

Really that kinda says it all. Appreciate the reminder Celia that we have seen something similar to this before, although as you say, now these protestors are obviously backed to the hilt by foreign interests. Also the American public has been relentlessly propagandized to a degree never before possible. It's concerning for sure, but seems to me the whole convention is political theatre at this point anyway as they've already chosen Kamala and Walz.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

My prediction? Nothing’s going to happen, which will simply fan the adulation for the Queen of Joy. “Look, people, she tamed the riotous masses. What more proof do you need that she can handle Putin and Xi?”

Meanwhile, one more tell. They pushed the old guy to 11:30. Pretty much shows the world how much they respect — or not — the elderly and value their wisdom. Next stop for all of us born pre-1964 is the glue factory.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Spot on my friend!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

He doesn't get out of bed until 10. And it will take him half an hour to walk to the stage. 11:30 barely leaves him enough time to eat his porridge and put his teeth in.

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock

Walz is in that category (or close!) Maybe picked because he'd be no threat to a (please lord NO!) second term for Mistress K!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Celia, good assessment of what was and what’s new. There are similarities and differences. It was like that in 1968. It took a long time to reach some conclusions. I can remember that my own views changed from what they were while it was happening when I was in college at that time. Our campus was divided; I was in the school of engineering and we were pro war. I recently left the Iron Curtain behind so everything made sense. As more information became available and the war dragged on, I started questioning our side. So my lesson was to wait till “the fog of war” starts clearing. The problem is that it sometimes takes a generation or more.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Celia, this article is as good as, if not better, than most of the stuff I had been reading from TFP in recent months. It's informative, yet you write from the heart too. You're on a roll. Thank you.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I Agree. It’s informative, objective, factual. And we draw our own conclusions.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Yes, excellent history and journalism

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Yes, these historical perspectives are helpful. I can’t do a whole lot about the Democrats NOR the Republicans, but seeing that people remain people from age to age helps me not despair any more than usual about the state of our world. Frankly, I and the people on whom I may have some impact are a HOT mess, and I’m daily being humbled about who I am and how to best love them. It’s way more fun to rant and rave about “those crazy people out there,” so I appreciate you “keeping me posted,” Celia!

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Yes it is reassuring to be reminded that humanity has survived it's own stupidity for this long, so maybe we will somehow bumble our way through this hot mess as well.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

This is how I know I am a cynic. Yes, humanity has survived. But it also continues to cause itself tremendous pain and suffering along the way. Yes we will come out the other side. But the people in between now and then may not be very happy about it.

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Guess that makes me a cynic too and it reminds me of what an Apache elder used to say,

'If it hurts, that means you are alive'.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

There is a truth and wisdom in that. I have increasingly realized the much of what I struggle with as an adult are because I didn't have to struggle with it when I was young and would have gotten over it in 5 minutes as a kid.

We are creatures born into an unforgiving world. Our brains and spirit have allowed us to push much of the hardships to the side, but I think it has made us weaker for it, especially when young....that time when we are built to deal with hardship.

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Interesting perspective and got me thinking of how many tribal cultures put the young through somewhat brutal trials to prepare them for adulthood.

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock

were they/we ever??

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Me too, SallyWally. Those around me don't begin to understand all the structural changes made over decades by "rule makers" that WILL impact them and their children. They still watch mainstream tv media and all have some form of TDS.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun". Ecclesiastes 1:9

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Hah. I knew Celia would do a better job, because well, she actually cares about her comment community. Unlike TFP which has gotten too big for it's own britches. Why do the big operations always wind up thinking the little people don't matter? Yeah people may end up buying your product for various reasons and you can impress your investors with all those lovely numbers, but your customer base will not remain loyal to you and will abandon ship at the first sign of real or imagined trouble, so to prevent that, you have to constantly spin the PR bullshit wheel without ever stopping.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Your commentary is always good but sometimes it is excellent.

Today was one of those days.

I remember the '68 convention quite well and the similarities to 2024 are uncanny.

Biden remembers the '68 convention quite well just not this one.

I do however disagree with your prediction.....

"But I will not be surprised if they decide to dismiss the Convention early if the protesters become sufficiently threatening."

The Democrat Party is a machine, ruthless efficient, and seldom making mistakes.

Pushing Biden to speak on Monday starting at 11:28 PM is as ruthless and efficient as it gets.

God help the demonstrators if they rain on this parade.

Even if it were to get bad the media would spin it as proof that the Party of Law and Order, Secure Borders, and Economic Security i.e. the Democrats are the only force standing between us and the mob.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

"Your commentary is always good but sometimes it is excellent." I AGREE! You totally wowed me today, Celia.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

She was firing on all cylinders today.

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Ironic, since I felt like my brains had turned to mush by the time I was done writing! I had to ask my husband to help me proofread.

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Celia, you are putting out a lot of excellent content and I know we are all appreciative, but.....please please do not burn yourself out!

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Having set content for specific days is helping me tremendously. Removing the giant question "What on earth do I write about?" from all but Tuesdays and Saturdays is very helpful.

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock

Ditto from me Celia- This is some heavy lifting and I truly appreciate being able to move from TFP over to JIP and not feel a bit of loss! But that said- make sure you take time to recharge you batteries. We will all survive here!!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

You are being way toooooooo hard on yourself!

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock


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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

One stark difference between the 1968 protests and now is well illustrated by the Art Shay photograph, in which I can’t locate a single female.

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If you look in the appendices of the report, you'll see that only a small number of women were arrested--less than 50, if I remember correctly.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

If 600 total were arrested (I’m unable to access the report directly) that means just 8.3% of arrestees were women. Plus ça change and all that, but what a difference today in that respect.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

What is a woman?

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Sorry, I’m not a biologist. ;-)

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Very interesting point.

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock

YES!! I noticed that too!! And many of the men were good-looking (not hapless incels- trying to get laid!) The crowd these days is way more "Island of Misfit Toys"!

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Excellent article, Celia!

Perhaps someone should explain to the "protestors" that while Israel has accepted cease-fire deals, Hamas has accepted ZERO. They have no interest in releasing the hostages or ending the war. The protestors demands and temper tantrums are futile. They are nothing but useful tools enacting more political theater. I'm sure it never occurs to the mob that they will be abandoned as soon as the Dems get what they want.


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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

The protesters don't want a "ceasefire agreement." They want Israel to cease firing because they no longer exist.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

If the protesters were smart (yes, I know that's an oxymoron) they would have protested at the RNC, after all, it's the Republicans who are pro Israel.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose'

Same old, same old

What’s interesting to me is all the protestors all the time carry other country’s flags yet never want to actually ever want to live there

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

The protesters in 1968 and 2024 are equally loathsome. The only difference is that the DNC today is far more despicable and demonic than the party was in 1968. If you thought we'd reach a nadir with President Puddin'head, consider the daily double of douchery in Harris and Walz. Two leftist loons. The DNC and its robotic hordes must be purged from our Republic.

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What's scary to me is a nearby small town which is historically conservative/republican, is now sprouting 'Kamala for us all' signs all over the place like noxious weeds. We need some serious weed killer...........

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

so scary, Rainbow. Let's hope that when this convention is done, reality will emerge. At some point, Harris has to talk unscripted. Will the media even report that???

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You would think so, but they managed somehow to cover for Biden for years so.........

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

It all starts in the schools. The Dept of Education needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.

Academia is a toxic wasteland polluting America.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

gut a bunch of the Cabinet level positions...return to the originals - Dept of State, Treasury, Justice, and return to the original name "War Department", just so folks are "misinformed" as to its purpose.

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock

Louisa-- Biden managed almost 4 years w/out talking unscripted (yes, COVID- but...)

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Probably all put up by somebody’s kids, home for the summer from Harvard and Sarah Lawrence….

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Thanks for reminding me there is still humor to be had!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Are they in people’s yards or just put up on wasteland or by roads.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

The protesters in 1968 had a cause.....protesting an unjust war and the D party that lied about its progress, the invasion of Cambodia, and who had no exit strategy.

Meanwhile young men were coming home in pine boxes with no end in sight.

I remember it well. If I was old enough I would have protested, too.

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All true about the lying Dems but the war wasn't "unjust." It was just poorly conceived, lied about from the start, badly pursued and then, when won, thrown away by Dems in Congress. Plus ca change......

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It was all of those things, but I have to agree with 234 that it was also unjust.

Endless amount of suffering and sorrow have resulted from our determination to be "world sheriff" after the end of WWII. It doesn't matter that so many nations *wanted* us to step into that role. The problem is that we were so easily corrupted in that role. We began very quickly to believe that the ends (preventing communism from taking hold anywhere new) justified *any* means.

Vietnam was literally none of our business. It was a shitshow when the French were in charge, long before we took over.

Even if we had fought like we meant it, what good would it have done in the end? Look at Iraq. Western democratic thinking cannot be forced on people.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I just want to throw out here... have you noticed that no one in "Meet the People of TFP" are ever we-the-commenters?

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

The Free Press is NOT the free press anymore as it started out to be.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Indeed! It is the Formerly-Free-Press.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

That is such a nasty thing TFree Press is doing. Sickening in the extreme.I can’t even find words to explain the visceral aversion I have towards it. Tacky and pathetic. What do they think it accomplishes? What is the message of displaying individual subscribers ?

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I think it is a slick PR thing to pretend they have a real TFP 'community'. They actually had a real subscriber comment community which they have destroyed, so they had to make up a fake one to keep the 'image' going.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

What is wrong with the people who agreed to have themselves displayed that way?

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A desire for praise and popularity. Same thing that drives the Where You T.G.I.F., except that the latter also has more of a "see how wealthy and well-traveled I am" feel to it.

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Hah. Was writing basically the same thing at the same time as you. Only I was so much more long winded about it!

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You offered useful details about the mentality! And you are so right about it being a hungry ghost that can never be fed enough.

I remember, during my teens, coming to the unpleasant realization that I would never be "the best" at anything. I was a smart girl, with a high GPA. But there were kids who were smarter. Most of the skills I attempted over the years, I was only middling at. But I finally came to terms with that being okay, because the number of people who can literally be "the best" is infinitesimal, and no one ever stays at the top for very long.

That "hungry ghost" is a craving that I think is natural to humans--as you said, we want to be seen and valued. But part of becoming an adult is recognizing that the "15 minutes of fame" is very hollow indeed.

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It's all about the image and the brand these days and the constant media messages playing up to the worst side of our need to be recognized and valued. It would be bad enough if it actually worked, but it doesn't satisfy our true cravings to be seen as valuable to the larger community. In otherwords, no amount of special notice or fame is ever going to be enough to feed that hungry ghost, because it's just junk food, it's not a real meal. But people can still point to the junk food and say 'see someone who has 'prestige' (TFP) has noticed me, so you should notice me to'.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock


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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

I think it's that "unity" thing the Dems are pushing. "See? We have Dem readers who are just like you n' me. Such nice people!"

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock

Another elite display of superiority. “If you had our intellect/education/wealth you, too, would support TFP.”

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Thanks, Celia, for this interesting and informative post. I married in 1966 so was basically mired in babies by 1968 and not paying much attention to politics. So it is good to have this refresher for the history of that convention and moment in time. The role of the media in this era is a huge factor, of course. Disa--thanks so much for the X videos you give us. That is so helpful. One video I saw last night cut back and forth to the expression on Kamala's face when Jill B was talking. No love there--and I thought, "yes, that's the real Kamala." I'm not watching and won't watch that convention--I just can't. And I can only hope that when it is done, Kamala is going to have to face all that she and the Dems have done. Right now, they have all just doubled down...again. The Dems elected a man with dementia in 2020 and put a DEI hire in place as his VP--and to get the black vote. Instead of dealing with the predictable fallout, they made Biden step down and put Harris in place without any semblance of having citizen input--or even an open convention with its "smoky back rooms." So now their consequences will be, eventually, so much worse than if they had taken an honest and ethical route, if they had taken their medicine up front. Now we have only the American people to possibly "get" that Harris/Walz are terrible choices--and even if they do, the voting process is a serious issue for cheating. I don't really have much hope actually. Too many systems are broken now. We aren't staring into the abyss. We are well into the abyss. Sorry to be such a downer this morning.

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Only positive thing I can think to say, and I half believe it, is: Harris gets her bump; Trump keeps it close, he finally(!) follows the advice of his advisors and sticks to issues, and he romps through the electoral college. It’s all I got…

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

Someone on TFree Press posted a link to a substack by a John Carter called Postcards From Barsoom. He says the Dems will definitely steal the election again this time. In his words” when the regime steaks the election , what happens then? Does anyone have a plan for this?”

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock


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I've gotten quite familiar with all the deep dark corners of that abyss myself. I personally prefer to know the worst, examine it ad nauseum and then when I cannot possibly get any further down the hole and have hit absolute rock bottom, well all I can say is, somehow my attitude shifts and I am reminded I can only go up from there. Weird I guess, but works for me. Also means I'm not so afraid of the abyss. Definitely unpleasant, but been there, done that, oh well here we go again. Sigh.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

But Dylan: "When you think that you've lost everything/You find out you can always lose a little more."

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Rainbow version of Monty Python's The Black Knight......" Come back and fight you cowards! I know I have no arms and legs left, but I still have my head and I can still bite you.....and.......oops I guess I just lost my head too!

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Aug 21Liked by Celia M Paddock

LOVE it R M-W!!

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

"I don't really have much hope actually. Too many systems are broken now. We aren't staring into the abyss. We are well into the abyss. Sorry to be such a downer this morning."

I have been reading the OT books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel this summer. I've read them many times before, but this time it really struck me: God allowed Jerusalem to fall. He allowed His temple to be profaned and destroyed. His own chosen city and temple. He allows people to have the gods they want to worship, and reap the legitimate consequences of their choices. I know it's not always wise to try to extrapolate OT history onto the present day, but for me it seems a lesson for our day, that, like England, America is not immune to falling.

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We know from Zechariah that all the nations will be gathered against Israel. When I was a teenager, my reaction was "Not the U.S.!!" Now, I see clearly that yes, and the U.S. So we know that this anti-Israel hatred will eventually triumph among our country's leadership. It's very depressing.

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Aug 20Liked by Celia M Paddock

How fitting it would be if they had Obama, instead of Harris, speak last.

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